
Each task has a collection of associated tags. Tags are short words that categorize tasks, typically written with a leading +, such as +next or +jobsearch.

Tags are useful for filtering tasks in reports or on the command line. For example, when it's time to continue the job search, ta +jobsearch will show pending tasks with the jobsearch tag.

Allowed Tags

Specifically, tags must be at least one character long and cannot contain whitespace or any of the characters +-*/(<>^! %=~. The first character cannot be a digit, and : is not allowed after the first character. All-capital tags are reserved for synthetic tags (below) and cannot be added or removed from tasks.

Synthetic Tags

Synthetic tags are present on tasks that meet specific criteria, that are commonly used for filtering. For example, WAITING is set for tasks that are currently waiting. These tags cannot be added or removed from a task, but appear and disappear as the task changes. The following synthetic tags are defined:

  • WAITING - set if the task is waiting (has a wait property with a date in the future)
  • ACTIVE - set if the task is active (has been started and not stopped)
  • PENDING - set if the task is pending (not completed or deleted)
  • COMPLETED - set if the task has been completed
  • DELETED - set if the task has been deleted (but not yet flushed from the task list)